
A Patchwork House for Puppy

         The other day while hunting for pallets, we found a very dilapidated dog house. Being in the mood to take any and every salvageable piece of wood, we grabbed it.
         Then we ripped it apart. Half the roof was too far gone to repair. The siding was pretty unattractive.
         The interior we cleaned out and sprayed with a water resistant spray. Once dried we put a nice pink coat for sealant. Then we floored it with left over wood laminate from the house. (Yes our puppy is spoiled)
         The exterior we layered over with more wood laminate. Then we made trimming with the same pink as the insides. We also shingled the roof. Half of the roof is on hinges so that we can clean and fix anything easily.
         Having not spent a cent on supplies and only using left over materials, I believe the house turned out pretty nice for my princess.

Pirate Parrrr-ty

Yesterday was my older brother's birthday and we decided to have a small dinner party with him. He just turned 29 but he is pretty obsessed with pirates (and I'm not talking about people scanning things off the internet). My boyfriend made him a nice treasure chest birthday cake which hit the hot list on tickled yesterday which is awesome!tickled link


Your Hair Looks Like A Zoo

Recently I surfed into the awesome sight and found masterfully creepy animals...designed through a hair. These are amazing, (and a little creepy).

Pallet Projects

Yesterday, I spend the day checking out small company's and construction sites for pallets for diy projects. The amount of success was surprising for only about an hour and a half of searching.

The mass amount of pallet projects out there is impressive. I found this nice pallet project collection while peruse I already see tons of projects to force labor my boy into building me. Here are just a few of the collection.


Yes, I Like to Dress My Pets Up

 Here is my sweet little darling puppy, (or my boyfriends). Her name is Allons-y and yes she is the cutest thing on the planet. But she does have a tendency to destroy the clothing I buy her. Here is her Seahawks jersey that she wore all the Sundays leading to the Superbowl. And there is her Boba Fett costume that matches her dad's. Unfortunately she already destroyed her bomber jacket and she keeps growing out of her clothes like her dorky pink argyle sweater. That will never stop me from buying her clothes, which I assume that what she thought she was preventing.

Below is the most recent addition to her wardrobe; the Wookie costume!

Veggie Version

My family happens to make delicious food...which I usually don't eat. I happen to be a pescetarian so I usually make a vegetarian version of what ever they are eating.

One night they made BBQ pulled pork sandwich with coleslaw. I made myself a delicious BBQ black bean sandwich with sauerkraut (I don't like coleslaw).
Another night they had a taco fest. I made a wonderful grilled onion, chickpea, and corn with veggie Worcestershire sauce topped with cabbage. So good!


A Candle Light Picnic Without Leaving Home

My boyfriend has just opened up a former office space to lay way to a new dinning room. Of course, what a dining room needs is a dining table to be complete. His idea was to transform an old picnic table he had in his back yard to the amaizing diy tables that have become oh so popular.

 Here is the, (almost) finished product. It's stained a nice dark mahogany color. He is going to be taking the seats off these chairs he was given and staining the seats the matching mahogany stain.
And here is the gorgeous first meal on his new table.